Links with other projects relevant to CERISE

C3S Reanalysis ( CERISE partners involved: ECMWF, DMI, MF, SMHI, MET Norway.

C3S Seasonal prediction ( CERISE partners involved: ECMWF, CMCC, DWD, MF, and MetO

CONFESS ( Ongoing H2020 project, provides time varying vegetation back to 1993. CERISE will build-up on CONFESS to extend back to 1925 time varying land surface conditions. CERISE partners involved in CONFESS are ECMWF, BSC, and MF.

CoCO2 ( Ongoing H2020 project, includes preliminary developments on joint vegetation and soil moisture assimilation. CERISE will extend these developments in the coupled assimilation system. CERISE partners involved in CoCO2 are ECMWF, MF, CMCC.